The ECIS 2019 schedules can be found at ECIS 2019 mobile app.


SCHEDULE UPDATE: The Welcome Reception at Nordiska Museet starts at 18:30 on June 11.


Doctoral Consortium (DC) (June 7-June 9)

ECIS 2019 DC program & Schedules (83 Kb)

Schedules Overview (June 10-June 14)

Schedules Overview (400 Kb)

Workshops & Tutorials Schedules (June 10-June 11)

Workshop & JFC Schedules June 10-11 (17 Kb)

Kista Campus Nod plan 0 (76 Kb)

Kista Campus Nod level 2 (136 Kb)


Paper Sessions and Panels Schedules (June 12-June 14)

ECIS 2019 Paper Sessions' Overview (24 Kb)

ECIS 2019 Rooms (421 Kb)

Poster Slam Sessions (June 13)

Poster Slam Schedule (17 Kb)

ECIS 2019 Poster positions (123 Kb)

Ancillary Meetings Schedules

Ancillary Meetings

NOTE: The conference programme is approved by the Programme Chairs. Thus the schedules are locked for any changes.